Game Over

Light Yagami
5 min readJan 23, 2021


It’s been fun, even I made some money on WISE… but it’s game over.

I warned everyone about this project on it’s tokenomics and the lack of experience of the team to run such a large scale endeavor. There are many reasons to believe that this project has run it’s course.

This article will focus on the community and adoption side of the project.

Telegram is shrinking, marketing is going nowhere, wallet numbers shrinking, holders are selling/end staking, negative net buys daily, toxic community, and toxic founder have stunted the project. In my opinion WISE token will bounce at the depths of Uniswap perpetually with it’s ginormous liquidity. Mind you this is all happening in the middle of a bull market for crypto.

*Not financial advice, these are just my opinion.

#1 Telegram Activity is Dying

Active users have shrunk to just under 70 a day.
Messages per day are under 300, most of it is by WISE mods or the bots.
Conversion rate at an abysmal 9%. Down 90% from it’s peak.

As we all know, Telegram is where most crypto enthusiasts flock to in order to learn more about a project. This is the first stop for many people to get a feel for the community and learn about tokenomics. They ask questions and if they find it attractive enough they stick around and invest in the product.

However, WISE token has seen a huge drop in Telegram activity. This hints at decreased interest and obviously marketing has not been working as planned. I am in simple trading groups that have more activity than this. You probably are too.

You be the judge, do these statistics look like it’s going well for the project? If this was something you were holding wouldn’t you be concerned? No new inflow of users = no adoption/interest. Period.

#2 Holding Wallets are Dropping

Holders are around 12k

When WISE launched it had about 9k individual investing reserves. That number ballooned to around 14k at it’s peak when it hit all time high price of around $0.98. Since then there has been a 15% drop to around 12k holders of the token.

This again is not a good sign and further solidifies that the community marketing efforts are going down the drain. To be perfectly honest WISE has terrible marketing. They want the holders to “‘talk to friends and family” to get them into the ecosystem. That seems to be the biggest marketing strategy besides Peter’s daily streams where he has a few hundred followers that tune in every time.

Sorry to say this but this is what Amway (Pyramid Scheme/MLM) tells to their “business owners” when trying to push their products. MLM style marketing does not work and it only turns off the people at the receiving end of the pitch. Nobody wants to randomly hear about an “amazing investment”, people like to find out these things on their own without a push from a loved one. It also leaves a very sour taste when the said investment turns sour.

In the crypto space marketing should be done by online ads, crisp high quality YouTube videos, interviews with well known influencers, social media penetration, partnerships with other platforms, etc. You get the gist.

None of this is happening in this community. The community has become basically a collection of first time YouTube video makers circle jerking each other and Peter. It’s sad to see at this point.

Here is the playlist of YouTubers they have in the community, most of them don’t even get 1000 views on their videos and the content/quality is extremely poor.

#3 Immense Sell Pressure and Large End Stakes

Recently the price action has been showing increasing daily net sales and large end stakes. For a new project that is supposed to be growing and adopting new users, we are seeing the opposite happen in such a short period. Even if you left the token alone it should be seeing some influx of new users because of how new it is and because of how profound their believers claim it to be.

Another huge bad sign on the project.

You can see sell pressure being consistent and staking amount decreasing.

#4 Toxic Community/Founder

I will show you how a community/project founder should NOT be acting toward their investors. You can check their telegram channel yourself, the founder and his minions get extremely toxic and aggressive if you don’t exactly share their delusion that WISE is the best thing since sliced bread.

The people commenting weren’t even saying anything bad, just spit balling ideas and concerns. Here is the evidence.

This is a very small snippet of what goes on daily in the telegram, now do you understand why the community has been shrinking?

Beyond this they target people with valid concerns and flag their social media accounts in order to get them taken down. Very cultish behavior. NOTHING bad about WISE can be said.

In Conclusion

These are tell tale signs of a community turning into a cult when they can’t even have open discourse about what has been happening.

I have seen some comments in the community saying that people who bought the top are idiots and WISE is comparable to the cure for cancer. Just laughable idiotic things. I mean, is this the type of community you want to be a part of? They still brag about how they got 3x, 4x from their initial listing price. That’s fine and all but it leaves a sour taste to newcomers that want to invest.

If you want to learn more about the technical reasons why you should be wary you can read the following article that goes in depth much more than I do.

Make your own decisions, I am just here to report and give opinions. You have been warned.



Light Yagami

Crypto enthusiast, Gem hunter, and Blockchain developer